Packing the Diaper Bag

As we approach another long flight abroad, LAX to MAD to be exact, I figured now would be a great time to share with you what I pack in Jacob’s carry-on (aka diaper bag). I am a very minimal packer, especially when it comes to my carry-on luggage. This same minimalism now applies to packing for Jacob because everything I pack for him is my responsibility. Space on the plane is already tight as it is – I don’t want to have multiple unnecessary things taking up any of my precious leg room! Let’s also be realistic, even if things start in the overhead bin, they always end up at our feet when traveling with kids. If this does’t happen to you, please share your secret! But, there is also no way of getting around having to pack snacks, entertainment, and essentials for our little ones.

Here is what I’m packing in Jacob’s diaper bag:

  1. Diapers. I like to pack overnight diapers because he will be sleeping on our flight and they are more absorbent.
  2. Babyganics Wipes. They can be used for diapering, messes, hands, face, surfaces, all-purpose really.
  3. Disposable Changing Table Covers. Because Ewww! We aren’t just talking about a changing table but a changing table in a plane. No thanks. I use my regular changing mat to lay on the changing table and then use the NorthShore disposal changing pads to put between the mat and Jacob to prevent any bodily fluids from getting on my mat.
  4. Hand Sanitizer. I always keep one in my diaper bag.
  5. Snack Pack. Snacks. Snacks. Snacks. And MORE snacks because everyone loves to snack on the plane!
  6. Disposable Bibs. I am packing 3 for our flight. Two for the two meals I know he will have on the flight and 1 as a just in case bib.
  7. Disposable Place Mats. Even though I have wiped down the tray table, Jacob eats right off the tray table so I like to put a mat down. Again, another small thing that I know will get good use.
  8. Toss and Go Spoon. I have always kept at least one or two in my diaper bag at all times and they always come in handy.
  9. Sippy Cup and/or Bottle. We are bringing Jacob’s sippy cup for water and a small 4 oz. bottle for milk. Yes, I only bring one of each. I’ve learned that you can get by with just one. After I’m done using the bottle I pour any reaming liquid out and then wipe the inside with a babyganics wipe. Then I ask the flight attendant for boiling hot water to let the nipple soak in and another cup to rinse out the bottle in the bathroom. Viola! It’s ready to be reused. *Do not use the sink water. Only use the boiling water. 
  1. Pacifier/Pacifier Clip. I always keep a pacifier clipped to Jacob while traveling. Plus, two extra pacifiers in the bag.
  2. Lovey. Almost every kid has their favorite stuffed animal, blankie, or companion. For Jacob this is his Curious George stuffed animal. He plays with it and it’s also his comfort so although big, it’s a must. *Great Travel Tip: secure their stuffed animal using a pacifier clip to the side of the diaper bag so it doesn’t take up room in the bag.
  3. Jacob’s Blankie. Must have for sleep whether it’s a nap or bedtime.
  4. Blankets. I always make sure to have a blanket either for sleeping, to use as a mat during layover, or anything else you can think of. Blankets are so versatile so I always like to have one on hand.
  5. Onesies. I have been in a real crappy (literally) situation on the plane and there was no salvaging the onesie. It went in the trash along with the diaper. Onesies are so small that it doesn’t hurt to have two – even on short flights. I will be packing a onesie along with a footed pajama for this flight.
  6. Monkey Mat. I like to have something for Jacob to stretch out on and play on during our layovers. This clips to the side of our bag and folds up nice and small. Plus we keep it on the diaper bag at all times, even at home because its such a convenient mat.
  7. Toys: A few small toy cars. Sticky glass decals. Post-it notes. Stickers. Seriously – keep it simple. More on this in a later blog where I’ll share some of my favorites…they aren’t what you think!
  8. IPad with headphones. No matter what your ideas, thoughts, or rules are for screen time – for us once we reach 10,000 feet, anything goes. Curious George and Wiggles on repeat if that’s what Jacob wants!

Every diaper bag will be different depending on your circumstances and baby for example:

  1. Diaper Cream. If Jacob has a diaper rash I will pack it, if not it goes in the checked bag.
  2. Tylenol/Mortin/Camila Drops. If your baby is teething, you definitely want to make sure you have some sort of pain management on hand. If not, check it.
  3. Breastfeeding. Maybe you don’t even have to pack a bottle! Just make sure you have extra pads on hand.
  4. Medicine.
  5. Formula. We used to pack formula but that is no longer needed since Jacob is on regular whole milk.
  6. Noise cancelling headphones. Jacob has never liked things on his head and really, how comfortable can those big bulky things be? Jacob slept through all of the in-flight announcements and I found the sound of the plane to be like white noise because he slept just fine. I think this is a personal preference. Some people like them, I personally don’t.

Whatever you pack, just remember to keep it simple. Really. Check what is not absolutely necessary for your flight and remember, you can always buy stuff when you land at your destination.

Did I miss anything you can’t travel without? Let me know what you would add to this list in the comments sections below.

Minimal Packing Travels!
Little Globe Hopper