Hello World!

Hi, I’m Brittany, I am mom to Jacob aka Little Globe Hopper (12 months), mom to fur baby Charlie (12 years), and wife to husband, Kyle.  I am originally from Southern California but now reside with my family in Arizona. I am a lover of massages, spin, steaming hot baths, craft beer, hip-hop music, and traveling. I am not a first class flier, Ritz Carlton, Four Season hotel-stayer, or nanny in tow traveler. Although those things sound lovely and I would never be opposed, my husband and I are just regular people who want to see the world. I won’t bore you with too many details but wanted to share with you what inspired me to write this blog.

I fell in love with traveling when I was a little girl. It wasn’t until I was in college that I got to travel by myself. After a semester of studying abroad and traveling throughout Europe I was hooked. However, quitting my job to travel was not an option. I had bills to pay. Every opportunity I got to travel, I took.

When my husband and I got together, we agreed that we would take multiple trips every year to explore a new destination.  We also agreed to take multiple weekend getaways throughout the year, whether it be a long road trip or short flight away. When we first discussed starting a family my response was always, “one more vacation”, “after the next trip”, “maybe we should go [insert some dreamy destination] first”, for fear that I would miss out on something that I loved to do, travel.

And that brings me to today. Today my son is 12 months and he just completed his 12th trip (domestic and international). Our next stop is Spain for 3 weeks at the end of August. Each time we travel, I am overwhelmed by the amount of messages from friends, acquaintances and even complete strangers asking for tips/suggestions and questions – from the most broad to extremely specific – on how I travel so often and so well with Jacob.

Being a seasoned traveler, I never thought twice about traveling with Jacob. However, I do remember the anxiety that started to creep in as our first international trip approached. I questioned every. little. detail. Then I remembered this is the same anxiety that crept in right before our first domestic trip when Jacob was just shy of 3 months. But guess what? Everything was okay. In fact, it was great, and I did it again and again, even solo!

Through each of these trips I realized that, just because I became a mom didn’t mean I had to lose sight of what I love to do. Yes, traveling with a baby changes things, but lots of things in life change. I just had to find a way to adjust. So I hope that through this blog with my tips, suggestions, discussions – with other parents, grandparents, and seasoned travelers – you will able to put your worries to rest and get out there and start exploring. I personally believe one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is the memories and knowledge gained by seeing and exploring the world!

Happy Travels!
Brittany & Little Globe Hopper